Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/06/2006 (continued)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006

06/06/2006 (continued)

Again in regard to similar aspects observable in different people, it would seem that human self importance has again played a trick on our perception. Many would see such as a "special" thing in possessing or seeing certain aspects being more pronounced than others - this I would venture is really only due to some aspect of said "proximity" and influence in the ways we do perceive it... and further, as mentioned, those we have yet to really consider - more directly, we tend to relate to said influences which appear to be most prominent at a given point in time for instance, within that workings and strengths of that larger process. It seems we gravitate toward the more recognizable in that sense - most likely as result of that present influence as well. As well then further, in the meaning of proximity from a physical understanding - that which is perhaps influential psychologically - given the place of a given example "gestation." Being of the most common understanding as per "gestation" or further, though just as prominent beyond our immediate consideration... those aspects of gestation we seldom acknowledge such that which transpires in a common conversation - then further yet, the consistencies of a given example conversation as per the conditioned aspects of a given proximity... on and such.

This then lends to further thought in regard to the broader sense of human interaction as those "proximities" intertwine in a global sense.

This is arguably something to consider even further in the physical sense (and common association with"gestation") given that in other species aside from humans, it is possible for several inseminating elements to imbue their attributes into one "litter" of offspring, for instance.

Though this is a physical example and is very much contained within the "animal" world, it still serves to illustrate a rough gist of such "proximity" influence from the physical (our reality) perspective in relation to other aspects.

Now then, given that I have observed similar traits in different people - combined with yet other traits - and have done so in vastly different parts of the U.S. as well as having noticed such in those from other parts of the world - this means that such is a considerable consistency - and further, an example of an all encompassing motion within that larger process.

In considering this I again see where such is a relationship between ourselves and that larger process - a relationship which could prove ill if displaced too far and/or too hastily (in my opinion).

I feel this as well is influence with and through those structures of thought as I have addressed them - again being elements of that focus through which individuals perceive (within a given level of individuality). ~

As I have touched on, it could be seen that "intellect" and "knowledge" are some form of disease/affliction as it were, being that they are a transformation - they alter ones existence and perception as does various forms of affliction/virus'. Though it does seem that such as is "learning" is very much an innate process - it could be perceived as well that such tendency is very much a pre-disposed direction of "removal." The "removal" of several things beyond what we see as "stupidity," including the lack of imposed limitations consciously acknowledged through conditioning.

In that thought I find another interesting dichotomy being that a total lack of such considerations, perhaps to the animal extreme as with the example of various inseminating elements (again, without consideration) as well could be construed as another form of what we know to be insanity - again, this in comparison to an "animal" normality as being the actual and initial standard of perception.

In this line of thought, and in combination with what has been established in "developmental aspects" through our removal from that larger process - it could be then stated within the seeming inversion that exposure to that larger process is actually what had initially promoted the beginnings of said "insanity."

Consider momentarily the result if it were that such an effect as is that multiple inseminating influence, transpired within the human species as it does with most animal examples? Then further consider such if it were that something like that transpired without the presence of a controlling influence (such as those imposed limitations in the form of "structures") on that process of our perception, alone? What of resulting effect on those "structures" as we now perceive them... and then even further, what result in regard to that which we consider intellect? That human capacity element?

It seems that such would surely amplify the "animal" aspects within the human species, if not directly introduce what we would perceive as capacity loss. Especially if it happened over and again as a consistent form of reproduction on all levels and considerations.

For some reason, within the human species, we have the ability to discern between "information" influences within that idea of "learning." But only to a certain extent as has been proved. Given no other alternatives than a very controlled "structure" so to speak, then yields through that conditioning, a very narrow scope of perceived - acknowledged possibility.

I would even go so far as to state that in my opinion, that tendency very much represents the dynamic we are currently living within on a larger scale, of/in depriving ourselves of said connectivity. In that then most assuredly, reducing the quality of existence on some level, whether it is readily perceived or not as result of that "removal" and deprivation, so to speak. Again, very much as result of perceived "advance."

Further considering this within our established consistent "emulation" - how is it then that areas within that technological "schism" aren't yet attributed to such dynamics? As if such were a divergence of a form of divergence - as emulation of sorts.

Interesting thought if nothing else.


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